A Catholic Communications Agency
Carmel Communications is a Catholic public relations, marketing and consulting agency with a unique specialty in promoting a faith and family culture, particularly one which can bridge the gap between the sacred and the secular.
We represent and serve projects and initiatives that are important to a faith-infused society. We utilize our particular niche expertise in understanding and reaching the world’s one billion Catholics to encourage the faithful to follow “the way of beauty” through dialogue and engagement with artists in the fields of film, literature, music, technology and the theatrical and fine arts.
Through our strong distribution channels, we maximize awareness of a worthwhile project to potential patrons of these good works.
Our core values are rooted in both Sacred Scripture and the Sacred Tradition of a 2000 year old Church established by Jesus Christ, ensuring that our business principles are conducted with the highest moral and ethical standards.

Spiritual Mission
To be at the service of artists in all areas of culture, passionately dedicated to the search for new “epiphanies” of beauty, to promote creative works as an offering to the world in helping to build a culture of life, and to be good stewards of truth and goodness to better support the efforts of the New Evangelization.